Hi there
Individual Player Registration Form

Thank you for your interest in registering. Please fill out the following form. The more accurately you fill out this form the easier it will be for us to find a team that suits your requirements.

Fields with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Personal Information
First Name :
Last Name :
Gender :
DOB : (dd/mm/yyyy)
Email Address :
Password :
Confirm password :
Mobile Phone : (Numbers only)
Home Phone :
Work Phone :
Address Line 1 :
Address Line 2 :
Postcode :
Availability Information
Would you like to be registered in the ringer database?
Check the checkbox next to each sport or position you are interested in playing
Check the checkbox next to each day you would be interested in playing on
Are you interested in paid umpiring?
If you are interested in umpiring, tell us about your qualifications